Poo and Scott spent over nine months digitizing Kilmer’s home videos in order to use them in their documentary, with Poo telling IndieWire ahead of the film’s Cannes premiere that the footage Kilmer recorded floored the directing duo. Scott added, “The more of it you get to see, the more you understand who he is now. There was always a sense that he was interested in his own craft. You got the sense from the material that he was knowingly, wisely, gathering some of these things for a bigger story one day.” Cinephiles will be most interested to see the on-set videos Kilmer recorded during the making of his most famous movies. Poo told IndieWire, “He shot over 200 hours of footage just around ‘Red Planet.’ He had a full camera crew with him, and his own HD cam. It was a lot, and we ended up using less than a minute. … Val got those cameras so early on that people weren’t even used to having cameras on set. So he managed to get a different perspective.” Watch the official trailer for “Val” in the video below.

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